I Am A Creative: Drawing Inspirations To Empower Your Life

I recently read a brilliant piece on ‘I am a Creative’ by Jeffrey Zeldman. It spoke about how creatives, no matter what, will find their way back to art.

Jeffrey says, ‘Sometimes I work and work and work until the idea comes. Sometimes it comes instantly and I don’t tell anyone for three days. Sometimes I’m so excited by the idea that came instantly that I blurt it out, can’t help myself. Like a boy who found a prize in his Cracker Jacks. Sometimes I get away with this. Sometimes other people agree: yes, that is the best idea. Most times they don’t and I regret having  given way to enthusiasm.’

And in reading this piece, I realized, “Oh well, I am a creative too.”

I learned during those 8 minutes how I often mistook myself as just a writer, or a singer, or someone who dabbles in different things. But deep inside, I am a creative, too. And on some days, you’d find me rambling about in here with my notions and ideas about life, other days painting my heart out on @warmlyarts, some days creating pretty coffees and sharing them with you all on my Instagram stories, or simply creating content.

Sometimes many hours of hard and patient work produce something that is barely serviceable. Sometimes I have to accept that and move on to the next project.

Jeffrey Zeldman

I realized how I made the shift from consuming content to being one who creates content. And I make it an effort on a daily basis. Even if that means writing for 10 minutes, painting for 20 minutes, reading for 30 minutes, or making latte art in seconds. There is beauty in embracing these creative pursuits.

My idea of being a creative has evolved over time.

From intentionally making a shift to creating content instead of consuming one. I embraced this routine as the ultimate ‘me-time’ for me.

It allowed me to nurture my creativity in ways more than one, from creating art, to writing blogs and designing social media posts – every creative avenue nourished the creativity in me. And now that I am here on WarmlyNiki – a blog you read about my ramblings, you’d continue finding this space as my creative outlet for days when other medium fall short.

Nonetheless, I still choose to be a creative, regardless of how I feel, think, experience life. The creative in me demands that I ADD VALUE, I make something, I figure it out instead of watching countless reels in an attempt to while my time away! Are you a creative, too? Or do you find yourself doom-scrolling through social media as well?

These are some questions, I reckon, you must ask yourself when you choose to sit and observe your own life from a 3rd view. I promise, it will only and only deepen your understanding about who you truly are, and what makes you, YOU!

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